Still Life in Studio


Still life with flowers and newspapers, 2010

Flowers and the News are the same. When they are fresh, we enjoy them very much. But after some days, when they fade, we forget about them and all the vivid discussions that brought to us. I have made this photograph back in 2010, when I used to buy newspapers and flowers on the way to my studio every morning. The association between these two, inspired me to make this Still Life photograph in my studio.


Still Life with Newspapers, 2012

During the time when I worked at the University, I used to collect articles from daily newspapers, which talked about the city, urban planning, architecture. In this process of informing and collecting data from the daily press, my father helped me, who selected the articles, cut them with scissors, and gave to me after writing on them 'for Alketa'. In this way I managed to collect a large file of articles and newspapers from 1994-2010. Later on, while arranging the materials in my studio, I came across this folder of old newspapers. Reading them one by one, I was gripped by a feeling of sadness, but also surprise, how the problems of the City had persisted over the years; privatization, informal buildings, legalization, social housing, urban planning, segregation, inequality, urban transport, public investments, etc... In this way, the idea came to me to compose this Still-Life with newspapers ..


Still Life with flowers and shells…

…just for my pleasure…