Postdisaster Social Housing and Urban Design, by ZA Zuroweste Architecture
Architecture Photography Alketa Misja Architecture Photography Alketa Misja

Postdisaster Social Housing and Urban Design, by ZA Zuroweste Architecture

I was commisioned by Zuroweste Architecture Studio to photograph the Neighborhood “Shote Galica” in Fushe Kruje. The Project is a Postdisaster Social Housing and Urban Design, by ZA (Zuroweste Architecture), developed in response to Albania’s devastating November 2019 earthquake - which left 51 dead, 3,000 hospitalized, and 32,000 homeless.

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Photography Exhibition and Book Presentation ALBANIAN SCAPES
AlbanianScapes, Exhibition Alketa Misja AlbanianScapes, Exhibition Alketa Misja

Photography Exhibition and Book Presentation ALBANIAN SCAPES

Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., in the premises of the TATI SPACE Photography Center, is open the Exhibition "ALBANIAN SCAPES - a photographic journey into Albanian Landscape" with photography and prints by Alketa Misja. The photos are part of the photography series ALBANIAN SCAPES, that cover a period of time 2008 to 2022. A part of the prints are published in the book ALBANIAN SCAPES by the author. While another part are presented for the first time in this exhibition. The exhibition will remain open until April 22, International Earth Day.

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PhotoBook "ALBANIAN SCAPES" is Out Now on Amazon
AlbanianScapes, PhotoBook Alketa Misja AlbanianScapes, PhotoBook Alketa Misja

PhotoBook "ALBANIAN SCAPES" is Out Now on Amazon

The PhotoBook “ALBANIAN SCAPES” is published and available now on Amazon Bookstore and Blurb Bookstore.

“A photographic journey into Albanian Landscape as seen from an architect and urban planner. A Landscape in a constant transformation under the pressure of human activities and rapid urbanization. A fragile landscape that will not be the same. The photos in this book cover a period of time from 2008 to 2022.”

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Orosh, Mirditë. (in albanian)

Orosh, Mirditë. (in albanian)

Ky postim i përket udhëtimit tim në Orosh Mirditë, dhe impresioneve fotografike mbi peisazhin dhe banorët. Oroshi është një fshat në veri të Shqipërisë, në Grykë Orosh pranë Luginës së lumit Fan. Përgjatë kësaj lugine është ndërtuar “Rruga e Kombit”, e cila lidh disa qëndra të banuara të Shqiperisë dhe Kosovës…

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