Photography Exhibition and Book Presentation ALBANIAN SCAPES

Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., in the premises of the TATI SPACE Photography Center, is open the Exhibition "ALBANIAN SCAPES - a photographic journey into Albanian Landscape" with photography and prints by Alketa Misja. The photos are part of the photography series ALBANIAN SCAPES, that cover a period of time 2008 to 2022. A part of the prints are published in the book ALBANIAN SCAPES by the author. While another part are presented for the first time in this exhibition. The exhibition will remain open until April 22, International Earth Day.

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Orosh, Mirditë. (in english)

This post is about my trip to Orosh Mirdita, and the photographic impressions on the landscape and people. Oroshi is a village in North Albania, at Gryke Orosh near Fan River Valley. Along this valley, the road "Rruga e Kombit" is built, which connects different settlements of Albania and Kosovo…

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Orosh, Mirditë. (in albanian)

Ky postim i përket udhëtimit tim në Orosh Mirditë, dhe impresioneve fotografike mbi peisazhin dhe banorët. Oroshi është një fshat në veri të Shqipërisë, në Grykë Orosh pranë Luginës së lumit Fan. Përgjatë kësaj lugine është ndërtuar “Rruga e Kombit”, e cila lidh disa qëndra të banuara të Shqiperisë dhe Kosovës…

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Ionian Sea, Gjipe Albania

In this Blog Post, I am posting a group of photos made at Gjipe Canyon, an amazing place in Albania, that I've visited in May 2017, during a field trip with friends. Turning back home, I've made a series of prints in fine art paper, that are available in purchase in limited editions. 

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Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

The 17th of November is the World Prematurity Day. I am posting in my blog, photos from my series in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, in Tirana. The series started in 2008 with a case study that I was working, and developed through the years as I have turned back to capture new portraits of premature babies and their moms who are encouraged to practice Kangaroo Mother Care inside the Unit. 

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Karavasta Lagoon

Karavasta Lagoon is the largest lagoon in Albania, known for its rich biodiversity, famous for Divjaka Pine and migratory birds such as the endangered Dalmatian Pelican.  The Lagoon is part of the largest national park, Divjaka-Karavasta of 22.230 hectares, and because of its rich ecosystem has the status of protected area by international convention of Ramsar.

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Bathers in Benje Permet

Celebrating the Summer Day through the revival of nature.

These photos are made in Thermal Waters of Benje, during my visit in Permet, for the celebration of Summer Day in 14 march 2016. This date is a national festivity in Albania, celebrated every year in different parts of the country. The festivity is old and is traced to ancient times, with pagan rituals and traditional food, that symbolize the end of winter and the joy for the beginning of summer.  I was happy to spend this day in an unusual way, making bath and photos in the Thermal Waters of Benje, a very near locality of Permet, while in the surrounding mountains of Nemercke there had been snowing a day before.  

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